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package main
import (
protogen2 ""
func main() {
u := &Kit{
imports: map[string]string{},
type Kit struct {
imports map[string]string
func (u *Kit) addImports(imp string) {
u.imports[imp] = imp
func (u *Kit) Generate(plugin *protogen.Plugin) error {
if len(plugin.Files) < 1 {
return nil
for _, f := range plugin.Files {
if len(f.Services) == 0 {
fname := f.GeneratedFilenamePrefix + "_http.pb.go"
t := plugin.NewGeneratedFile(fname, f.GoImportPath)
t.P("package " + f.Desc.Name())
t.P("import (")
for _, v := range u.imports {
t.P(`"` + v + `"`)
for _, s := range f.Services {
t.P(`type `, s.GoName, `HTTPServer interface {`)
for _, m := range s.Methods {
t.P(m.GoName, `(context.Context, *`, m.Input.GoIdent.GoName, `) (*`, m.Output.GoIdent.GoName, `,error)`)
for _, s := range f.Services {
serverName := s.GoName
t.P(`func Register`, serverName, `HTTPServer(s *http.Server,srv `, serverName, `Server) {`)
for _, m := range s.Methods {
method, path := protogen2.GetProtoMethod(m)
if method == "" {
t.P(`r.`, method, `("`, path, `",_`, s.GoName, `_`, m.GoName, `0_HTTP_Handler(srv))`)
for _, s := range f.Services {
for _, m := range s.Methods {
method, _ := protogen2.GetProtoMethod(m)
if method == "" {
u.genGet(f, s, t, m)
return nil
func (u *Kit) genGet(f *protogen.File, s *protogen.Service, t *protogen.GeneratedFile, m *protogen.Method) {
method, path := protogen2.GetProtoMethod(m)
if method == "" {
t.P(`func _`, s.GoName, `_`, m.GoName, `0_HTTP_Handler(srv `, s.GoName, `HTTPServer) func(ctx http.Context) error {
return func(ctx http.Context) error {
var in `, m.Input.GoIdent.GoName)
if method == protogen2.METHOD_GET {
t.P(`if err := ctx.BindQuery(&in); err != nil {
return err
} else if method == protogen2.METHOD_POST {
t.P(`if err := ctx.Bind(&in); err != nil {
return err
if strings.LastIndexByte(path, '{') != -1 {
t.P(`if err := ctx.BindVars(&in); err != nil {
return err
t.P(`http.SetOperation(ctx, "/`, f.Desc.Package(), `.`, s.Desc.Name(), `/`, m.Desc.Name(), `")
h := ctx.Middleware(func(ctx context.Context, req interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
return srv.`, m.GoName, `(ctx, req.(*`, m.Input.GoIdent.GoName, `))
out, err := h(ctx, &in)
if err != nil {
return err
reply := out.(*`, m.Output.GoIdent.GoName, `)
return ctx.Result(200, reply)