You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package router
import (
const (
allowHeader = "Allow"
allowMethodSeparator = ", "
var (
ErrInvalidMethod = errors.New("not a valid http method")
ErrInvalidPath = errors.New("path must begin with '/'")
type patRouter struct {
trees map[string]*search.TreeNode
notFound http.Handler
notAllowed http.Handler
func NewRouter() httpx.Router {
return &patRouter{
trees: make(map[string]*search.TreeNode),
func (p *patRouter) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
reqPath := path.Clean(r.URL.Path)
if tree, ok := p.trees[r.Method]; ok {
if result, ok := tree.Search(reqPath); ok {
if len(result.Params) > 0 {
r = pathvar.WithVars(r, result.Params)
result.Item.(http.Handler).ServeHTTP(w, r)
allows, ok := p.methodsAllowed(r.Method, reqPath)
if !ok {
p.handleNotFound(w, r)
if p.notAllowed != nil {
p.notAllowed.ServeHTTP(w, r)
} else {
w.Header().Set(allowHeader, allows)
func (p *patRouter) Handle(method string, reqPath string, handler http.Handler) error {
if !validMethod(method) {
return ErrInvalidMethod
if len(reqPath) == 0 || reqPath[0] != '/' {
return ErrInvalidPath
cleanPath := path.Clean(reqPath)
tree, ok := p.trees[method]
if ok {
return tree.Add(cleanPath, handler)
tree = search.NewTree()
p.trees[method] = tree
return tree.Add(cleanPath, handler)
func (p *patRouter) SetNotFoundHandler(handler http.Handler) {
p.notFound = handler
func (p *patRouter) SetNotAllowedHandler(handler http.Handler) {
p.notAllowed = handler
func (p *patRouter) handleNotFound(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if p.notFound != nil {
p.notFound.ServeHTTP(w, r)
} else {
http.NotFound(w, r)
func (p *patRouter) methodsAllowed(method, path string) (string, bool) {
var allows []string
for treeMethod, tree := range p.trees {
if treeMethod == method {
_, ok := tree.Search(path)
if ok {
allows = append(allows, treeMethod)
if len(allows) > 0 {
return strings.Join(allows, allowMethodSeparator), true
return "", false
func validMethod(method string) bool {
return method == http.MethodDelete || method == http.MethodGet ||
method == http.MethodHead || method == http.MethodOptions ||
method == http.MethodPatch || method == http.MethodPost ||
method == http.MethodPut