package base64Captcha import ( "bytes" "encoding/base64" "errors" "fmt" "" "" "" "image" "image/color" "image/draw" "image/png" "io" "log" "math" "math/rand" ) //ItemChar captcha item of unicode characters type ItemChar struct { bgColor color.Color width int height int nrgba *image.NRGBA } //NewItemChar creates a captcha item of characters func NewItemChar(w int, h int, bgColor color.RGBA) *ItemChar { d := ItemChar{width: w, height: h} m := image.NewNRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, w, h)) draw.Draw(m, m.Bounds(), &image.Uniform{bgColor}, image.ZP, draw.Src) d.nrgba = m return &d } //drawHollowLine draw strong and bold white line. func (item *ItemChar) drawHollowLine() *ItemChar { first := item.width / 20 end := first * 19 lineColor := RandLightColor() x1 := float64(rand.Intn(first)) //y1 := float64(rand.Intn(y)+y); x2 := float64(rand.Intn(first) + end) multiple := float64(rand.Intn(5)+3) / float64(5) if int(multiple*10)%3 == 0 { multiple = multiple * -1.0 } w := item.height / 20 for ; x1 < x2; x1++ { y := math.Sin(x1*math.Pi*multiple/float64(item.width)) * float64(item.height/3) if multiple < 0 { y = y + float64(item.height/2) } item.nrgba.Set(int(x1), int(y), lineColor) for i := 0; i <= w; i++ { item.nrgba.Set(int(x1), int(y)+i, lineColor) } } return item } //drawSineLine draw a sine line. func (item *ItemChar) drawSineLine() *ItemChar { var py float64 //振幅 a := rand.Intn(item.height / 2) //Y轴方向偏移量 b := random(int64(-item.height/4), int64(item.height/4)) //X轴方向偏移量 f := random(int64(-item.height/4), int64(item.height/4)) // 周期 var t float64 if item.height > item.width/2 { t = random(int64(item.width/2), int64(item.height)) } else if item.height == item.width/2 { t = float64(item.height) } else { t = random(int64(item.height), int64(item.width/2)) } w := float64((2 * math.Pi) / t) // 曲线横坐标起始位置 px1 := 0 px2 := int(random(int64(float64(item.width)*0.8), int64(item.width))) c := RandDeepColor() for px := px1; px < px2; px++ { if w != 0 { py = float64(a)*math.Sin(w*float64(px)+f) + b + (float64(item.width) / float64(5)) i := item.height / 5 for i > 0 { item.nrgba.Set(px+i, int(py), c) //fmt.Println(px + i,int(py) ) i-- } } } return item } //drawSlimLine draw n slim-random-color lines. func (item *ItemChar) drawSlimLine(num int) *ItemChar { first := item.width / 10 end := first * 9 y := item.height / 3 for i := 0; i < num; i++ { point1 := point{X: rand.Intn(first), Y: rand.Intn(y)} point2 := point{X: rand.Intn(first) + end, Y: rand.Intn(y)} if i%2 == 0 { point1.Y = rand.Intn(y) + y*2 point2.Y = rand.Intn(y) } else { point1.Y = rand.Intn(y) + y*(i%2) point2.Y = rand.Intn(y) + y*2 } item.drawBeeline(point1, point2, RandDeepColor()) } return item } func (item *ItemChar) drawBeeline(point1 point, point2 point, lineColor color.RGBA) { dx := math.Abs(float64(point1.X - point2.X)) dy := math.Abs(float64(point2.Y - point1.Y)) sx, sy := 1, 1 if point1.X >= point2.X { sx = -1 } if point1.Y >= point2.Y { sy = -1 } err := dx - dy for { item.nrgba.Set(point1.X, point1.Y, lineColor) item.nrgba.Set(point1.X+1, point1.Y, lineColor) item.nrgba.Set(point1.X-1, point1.Y, lineColor) item.nrgba.Set(point1.X+2, point1.Y, lineColor) item.nrgba.Set(point1.X-2, point1.Y, lineColor) if point1.X == point2.X && point1.Y == point2.Y { return } e2 := err * 2 if e2 > -dy { err -= dy point1.X += sx } if e2 < dx { err += dx point1.Y += sy } } } func (item *ItemChar) drawNoise(noiseText string, fonts []*truetype.Font) error { c := freetype.NewContext() c.SetDPI(imageStringDpi) c.SetClip(item.nrgba.Bounds()) c.SetDst(item.nrgba) c.SetHinting(font.HintingFull) rawFontSize := float64(item.height) / (1 + float64(rand.Intn(7))/float64(10)) for _, char := range noiseText { rw := rand.Intn(item.width) rh := rand.Intn(item.height) fontSize := rawFontSize/2 + float64(rand.Intn(5)) c.SetSrc(image.NewUniform(RandLightColor())) c.SetFontSize(fontSize) c.SetFont(randFontFrom(fonts)) pt := freetype.Pt(rw, rh) if _, err := c.DrawString(string(char), pt); err != nil { log.Println(err) } } return nil } //drawText draw captcha string to image.把文字写入图像验证码 func (item *ItemChar) drawText(text string, fonts []*truetype.Font) error { c := freetype.NewContext() c.SetDPI(imageStringDpi) c.SetClip(item.nrgba.Bounds()) c.SetDst(item.nrgba) c.SetHinting(font.HintingFull) if len(text) == 0 { return errors.New("text must not be empty, there is nothing to draw") } fontWidth := item.width / len(text) for i, s := range text { fontSize := item.height * (rand.Intn(7) + 7) / 16 c.SetSrc(image.NewUniform(RandDeepColor())) c.SetFontSize(float64(fontSize)) c.SetFont(randFontFrom(fonts)) x := fontWidth*i + fontWidth/fontSize y := item.height/2 + fontSize/2 - rand.Intn(item.height/16*3) pt := freetype.Pt(x, y) if _, err := c.DrawString(string(s), pt); err != nil { return err } } return nil } //BinaryEncoding encodes an image to PNG and returns a byte slice. func (item *ItemChar) BinaryEncoding() []byte { var buf bytes.Buffer if err := png.Encode(&buf, item.nrgba); err != nil { panic(err.Error()) } return buf.Bytes() } // WriteTo writes captcha character in png format into the given io.Writer, and // returns the number of bytes written and an error if any. func (item *ItemChar) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (int64, error) { n, err := w.Write(item.BinaryEncoding()) return int64(n), err } // EncodeB64string encodes an image to base64 string func (item *ItemChar) EncodeB64string() string { return fmt.Sprintf("data:%s;base64,%s", MimeTypeImage, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(item.BinaryEncoding())) } type point struct { X int Y int }