// Copyright 2017 Eric Zhou. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package base64Captcha import ( "bytes" "encoding/base64" "encoding/binary" "fmt" "io" "math/rand" ) //ItemAudio captcha-audio-engine return type. type ItemAudio struct { answer string body *bytes.Buffer digitSounds [][]byte //rng siprng } // newAudio returns a new audio captcha with the given digits, where each digit // must be in range 0-9. Digits are pronounced in the given language. If there // are no sounds for the given language, English is used. // Possible values for lang are "en", "ja", "ru", "zh". func newAudio(id string, digits []byte, lang string) *ItemAudio { a := new(ItemAudio) if sounds, ok := digitSounds[lang]; ok { a.digitSounds = sounds } else { a.digitSounds = digitSounds["en"] } numsnd := make([][]byte, len(digits)) for i, n := range digits { snd := a.randomizedDigitSound(n) setSoundLevel(snd, 1.5) numsnd[i] = snd } // Random intervals between digits (including beginning). intervals := make([]int, len(digits)+1) intdur := 0 for i := range intervals { dur := randIntRange(sampleRate, sampleRate*2) // 1 to 2 seconds intdur += dur intervals[i] = dur } // Generate background sound. bg := a.makeBackgroundSound(a.longestDigitSndLen()*len(digits) + intdur) // Create buffer and write audio to it. sil := makeSilence(sampleRate / 5) bufcap := 3*len(beepSound) + 2*len(sil) + len(bg) + len(endingBeepSound) a.body = bytes.NewBuffer(make([]byte, 0, bufcap)) // Write prelude, three beeps. a.body.Write(beepSound) a.body.Write(sil) a.body.Write(beepSound) a.body.Write(sil) a.body.Write(beepSound) // Write digits. pos := intervals[0] for i, v := range numsnd { mixSound(bg[pos:], v) pos += len(v) + intervals[i+1] } a.body.Write(bg) // Write ending (one beep). a.body.Write(endingBeepSound) return a } // encodedLen returns the length of WAV-encoded audio captcha. func (a *ItemAudio) encodedLen() int { return len(waveHeader) + 4 + a.body.Len() } func (a *ItemAudio) makeBackgroundSound(length int) []byte { b := a.makeWhiteNoise(length, 4) for i := 0; i < length/(sampleRate/10); i++ { snd := reversedSound(a.digitSounds[rand.Intn(10)]) //snd = changeSpeed(snd, a.rng.Float(0.8, 1.2)) place := rand.Intn(len(b) - len(snd)) setSoundLevel(snd, randFloat64Range(0.04, 0.08)) mixSound(b[place:], snd) } return b } func (a *ItemAudio) randomizedDigitSound(n byte) []byte { s := a.randomSpeed(a.digitSounds[n]) setSoundLevel(s, randFloat64Range(0.85, 1.2)) return s } func (a *ItemAudio) longestDigitSndLen() int { n := 0 for _, v := range a.digitSounds { if n < len(v) { n = len(v) } } return n } func (a *ItemAudio) randomSpeed(b []byte) []byte { pitch := randFloat64Range(0.95, 1.1) return changeSpeed(b, pitch) } func (a *ItemAudio) makeWhiteNoise(length int, level uint8) []byte { noise := randBytes(length) adj := 128 - level/2 for i, v := range noise { v %= level v += adj noise[i] = v } return noise } // WriteTo writes captcha audio in WAVE format into the given io.Writer, and // returns the number of bytes written and an error if any. func (a *ItemAudio) WriteTo(w io.Writer) (n int64, err error) { // Calculate padded length of PCM chunk data. bodyLen := uint32(a.body.Len()) paddedBodyLen := bodyLen if bodyLen%2 != 0 { paddedBodyLen++ } totalLen := uint32(len(waveHeader)) - 4 + paddedBodyLen // Header. header := make([]byte, len(waveHeader)+4) // includes 4 bytes for chunk size copy(header, waveHeader) // Put the length of whole RIFF chunk. binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(header[4:], totalLen) // Put the length of WAVE chunk. binary.LittleEndian.PutUint32(header[len(waveHeader):], bodyLen) // Write header. nn, err := w.Write(header) n = int64(nn) if err != nil { return } // Write data. n, err = a.body.WriteTo(w) n += int64(nn) if err != nil { return } // Pad byte if chunk length is odd. // (As header has even length, we can check if n is odd, not chunk). if bodyLen != paddedBodyLen { w.Write([]byte{0}) n++ } return } // EncodeB64string encodes a sound to base64 string func (a *ItemAudio) EncodeB64string() string { var buf bytes.Buffer if _, err := a.WriteTo(&buf); err != nil { panic(err) } return fmt.Sprintf("data:%s;base64,%s", MimeTypeAudio, base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(buf.Bytes())) }